Vannevar Bush's 5 points
Vannevar Bush was an American inventor, key figure in American science policy who shaped science's identity in the post-WWII era, and wartime director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. Vannevar Bush wrote "The Endless Frontier" as a response to a request from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In which Bush asserted the importance of government-funded science, beyond war-time funding. Bush emphasizes its importance to society and what it means for the progress and development of countries. "The Endless Frontier" lays out five major arguments in favor of a comprehensive, government-funded science enterprise, but also that governments line to the scientists. Although his points are still applicable today, these assertions were written with a goal of American supremacy in science, a view not shared by the Vannevar Group. We believe the US should strive for scientific leadership rather than supremacy. Bush's interpretation of science didn't expect the modern world or for its applicability to every aspect of modern life. However, "The Endless Frontier's" framework is rooted in evidence-based thinking this perspective can be broadly applied to reach solutions for a variety of policy issues.
Science strives for innovation
Science is driven to protect health
Science requires diverse collaboration
Science needs safeguarding
Science leadership is American leadership
“There must be plenty of men and women trained in science and technology for upon them depend both the creation of new knowledge and its application to practical purposes.”
Vannevar Bush
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