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Spring 2024 Agenda

Our policy teams are working on a variety of science policy topics that have very little to know awareness. As advocates of The Vannevar Group, our biggest goal is to not only provide awareness to the public and stakeholders, but to provide tangible solutions on the best way to solve these issues. Below you can take a look on what is currently being worked on.

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A lack of cultural competence and trust between healthcare providers and underrepresented communities throughout the U.S. contributes to lower rates of medical literacy and higher rates of preventable disease among these groups.

Veterans are more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses, as a solution medically tailored meals will provide nutritional meals tailored to the veterans specific need.

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Adolescents’ perpetual engagement with algorithmically curated content on social media exposes minors to harmful information that negatively impacts their mental wellbeing at a rate proportional to engagement. 

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